11 March 2013


so hello!
even it's quite late for me to do my refelection, but , hehe here it is.

before entering this competiton, i used to eat anything that i want including all kind of snacks without thinking about the effects.
after entering this competition, i gain more knowledege about food additives, the advantages, and the disadvantages too.
after doing some research with my friends, i can remember the facts easily.
besides, after entering this competition, i know a lot of information on how to edit videos and pictures.
so, as a conclusion, this competition gives a lot of benefits to me :)

last but not least,
                                                                                     Hanis Suraya, 5 Bakerara

10 March 2013


So hello everyone!

Food additives? If I wanted to compare my answer before and after entering this competition, I would say it will be completely different. I learnt more about food additives, the advantages and not to forget the disadvantages as well. I actually like this kind of competition because I gain more and more knowledge about the topic very specifically because I have to make surveys, I have to google it, ask for informations and etc. And I would like to express a big thank you for teachers, my classmates and also everyone who had involved in this competition directly or indirectly.

So, food additives, are they good or bad? ;)

Fazleen Anis, 5 Bakerara :)

05 March 2013


So as a conclusion, by entering this competition, we got to know a lot of new knowledge about the food additives and the benefits. But not to forget the harm of food additives to our body. Next time, you just have to be caution when eating so that you could maintain a healthy life and prevent diseases. It's good to learn about the food. Ulala.

In my opinion, this competition gave me a lot of useful information about what we could and could not eat. Food additives is actually good for the food but not to our health. So as a concerned person, we should try to avoid and ask others to join us. We can make the difference. With that, I'm cool. Peace

Food additives could be bad.

Most concerns about food additives have to do with man-made ingredients that are added to foods, including:

  • Antibiotics given to food producing animals
  • Antioxidants in oily or fatty foods
  • Artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame, saccharine, and sodium cyclamate
  • Benzoic acid in fruit juices
  • Lecithin, gelatins, corn starch, waxes, gums, and propylene glycol in food stabilizers and emulsifiers
  • Many different dyes and coloring substances
  • Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
  • Nitrates and nitrites in hot dogs and other meat products
  • Sulfites in beer, wine, and packaged vegetables
Hm food additives could be bad for our health isn't it? So let's try to avoid eating food that contains a lot of food additives ok guys? :)

Types of food additives

These drinks were used in a taste-test. Volunteers had to say which one they preferred.

All three drinks taste the same!
We 'taste' with our eyes. If food does not look appealing then we often think it tastes bad as well.
Often, when foods are cooked or processed for sale, they lose their natural colour and look less tasty. Colourings are often added to help make the food look appealing and so 'taste' better.

Three orange drinks


Emulsions in food are mixtures of oil and water. These normally do not mix and will separate if left without an emulsifier. Roll over the photograph of the mayonnaise to see the effects when the emulsifier is not added.

Mayonnaise contains oil and water. The emulsifier keeps these mixed and without it the oil and water separate.

The acceptability of any food product greatly depends on the impression of taste when it is eaten. Our sense of taste is really a combination of two of our senses, taste and smell . Both of these sense respond to certain chemicals.

Gelling agents
The functions of these substances is fairly self explanatory:
  • Gelling agents gel foods, i.e. they give shape and structure
  • Thickeners or thickening agents make foods thicker
  • Stabilisers help to maintain the physical and textural properties of foodstuffs through their production, transport, storage and cooking

Drinks, like this chocomilk, contain cocoa powder that can form a sediment when the drink is on the supermarket shelf. Stabilisers help to prevent this.

Most preservatives today are actually fungistatic in their action. That means they prevent the growth of fungi, moulds and yeasts. They have little effect on bacteria but using a combination of preservatives, with antibacterial properties, can give good all round protection. Food preservatives help to control the spread of bacteria which can cause life threatening illnesses such as salmonellosis or botulism.

Bread will quickly go mouldy under the attack of microbes


Sugar is a most important flavouring substance. It gives the sensation of sweetness and provides a source of energy. However, excessive sugar intake is linked with a number of health problems including tooth decay, obesity and diabetes.
photo of sweetener and sugar
Intense sweeteners are many times sweeter than sugar. A small amount of intense sweetener replaces a large amount of sugar

Anti-caking agents

Processed foods often contain ingredients that are mixed as powders. Anti-caking agents are added to allow them to flow and mix evenly during the food production process. They rarely have nutritional value and only a small proportion of the additives find their way into the food.
Some anti-caking agents may be found in foods. For example, magnesium carbonate is used in table salt to improve its flow during manufacture. It is left in the salt so that it flows well when being sprinkled onto food.
Examples of foods that contain anti-caking agents include:
  • vending machine powders (coffee, cocoa, soup)
  • milk and cream powders
  • grated cheese
  • icing sugar
  • baking powder
  • cake mixes
  • instant soup powders
  • drinking chocolate
  • table salt
photo of salt pot
Magnesium carbonate is added to salt to make it flow easily
Oxidation reactions happen when chemicals in the food are exposed to oxygen in the air. In natural conditions, animal and plant tissues contain their own antioxidants but in foods, these natural systems break down and oxidation is bound to follow.
Oxidation of food is a destructive process, causing loss of nutritional value and changes in chemical composition. Oxidation of fats and oils leads to rancidity and, in fruits such as apples, it can result in the formation of compounds which discolour the fruit.
Roll over the picture to see the effects of oxidation on cut apple.
Antioxidants are added to food to slow the rate of oxidation and, if used properly, they can extend the shelf life of the food in which they have been used.
Acidulants are additives that give a sharp taste to foods. They also assist in the setting of gels and to act as preservatives.
Photo of fruitsThe pH of a food is a measure of its acidity, alkalinity or neutrality. Living tissues contain solutions called buffers which help to keep a constant pH inside cells.
Many natural foods are acidic. For example, oranges, lemons, apples, tomatoes, cheese and yoghurt contain natural acids, such as citric acid, that give them their characteristically sharp taste.
Many fruits contain natural acids that give them a sharp taste


This project is very interesting and contain a lot of information,
 besides with my classmates , 5 Gastisia and teacher, Ms. Khor Swee Moi helps,
 they do help us a lot, with my partner...
Fahana Aida,,

This project really do make me think about FOOD ADDITIVES all the time, hahhahah

Futhermore, I learn a lot on doing video and upload them on YOUTUBE for the first time :)

I think this project should be held again :)

Last but not least ,,




hey, i'm back . lol.
what can i conclude here based on this challange, i can feel that i more understand about this topic which is food additive. by doing research on it, i found that studying using mind map, watching video, and see more picture can help me to know more than that i learn in school.

Nurul Ain 5C - Reflection

Health is better than wealth. Keep your head up by having a healthy body.
Control your food consumption and always choose a better one.
As we all know, food additives give us a lot lot lot lot lot of bad effects.
So, open your eyes and mind! Refrain yourself from stuffing on food additives that give us bad effects.

Including myself, we all should change for a better living :)

ps; Why dont you try this attractive game that tells us more about food :D
Click on these pictures to give a try!


Type of food that we take everyday :)

A+ for Chemistry =)

much love from, 5 FIALAARA 2013 :D 

here a special video made from us to all of you :)



By taking part in Chemistry Blog Competition, I had broadened my knowledge about food additives. I can get to know more additives that are added in our food that we eat in our daily life. Now, I can identify the goods and the bads of food additives. In my personal opinion, food additives should not be banned as it is very useful in food industrial. But, this does not mean that we can eat all the food as we like. We need to choose the food that we want to eat wisely so that it will not give bad impact towards our health. As the saying goes, we are what we eat. Keep calm and loves food people!

The Answer Is Here

Hello,meet us again !So,this is a few tit bits about us.

The journey starts here.We had make it short and simple.Hoping that you guys would be entertained by our brief explaination.Enjoy!

All and all,that's what we had concluded throughout the task given.We really appreciate the attention given.To us,even for awhile,it means a lot.
                                   Lots of love,
D &  S

The whale know what is THE EFFECTS OF FOOD ADDITIVES on HEALTH :)
Let's follow the whale :D


Learning process isn't just through books and teachers. Sometimes, we have to try hands-on to know what the true thing actually is.
Sometimes we may think that we've already knew everything that we need to know but the truth is, we never had.
Learning processes can be made fun through many things.
For example, blogging.

I've blogged my thoughts on food additives.
And this had enlighten my mind about the things that I never knew about food additives that brings good and bad to us.
And most important of all,
it's not about winning.
It's about sharing. 
And living :D


a simple little prezi, weeeee~
but a big INFO in there n:)  Emjoy :)

Food Island in Chemistry World

Let's row your boat and visit our Food Island in Chemistry World. Adding your knowledges about what is food additives actually and is it beneficial or harmful? Through your journey, you also can know more about purposes of using food additives in our food. Various types of food additives also will revealed and all the questions that are dancing in your mind will be answered after you have finished your journey. Enjoy your trip :)

Reflection from this Theme

Hi everyone,
What I got from this activity through searching, brains storm, slow internet connection ^^, I got to learn something new about food that I do not know before.


It maybe be dangerous to your health but, it keep up the freshness of the food, which is the later we eat the food itself. Right ?
So try to reduce the intake of this Food Additives :)

Hope you guys learn something :)

The Disadvantages of FOOD ADDITIVES

As farmer's markets give way to industrialized grocery store chains, the act of processing and preserving foods has become mainstream practice. Food additives can increase the shelf-life of perishable foods, alter their appearance and affect marketability. The disadvantages of food additives is a growing concern, as studies continue to show adverse effects from these chemicals.


Commonly mistaken for true food allergies, immune-mediated responses, such as skin rashes, might originate from the additives in the food as opposed to the food itself. Frequent offenders include the food additives used to preserve dried fruits, canned goods and wine, according to the MayoClinic.com. A physician or an allergist can help to determine if food allergies stem from the food or the additives.

Health Concerns

Read the back label on any canned good in the pantry. Chances are, there will be a number of chemical names, food colorings and artificial sweeteners listed. These chemicals, such as monosodium glutamate, or MSG, can trigger adverse health effects in some people. The food additive Olestra is used to decrease dietary fat absorption but can cause diarrhea and gastrointestinal problems. Historically, many food colorings have been banned due to their propensity to cause cancers and organ damage.

Discourage Eating Fresh

Fresh foods, or those that have not been refined, processed or altered in any way, provide healthy basic nutrients without the extra chemical cocktails. However, once chemical preservatives are added, a canned vegetable suddenly gets a shelf-life of up to 10 years. Although the benefit of not shopping frequently for fresh produce is enticing, think about what is added to those canned goods. Salt is frequently used in food additives as a preservative. Consuming too much salt may increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Hyper Children

Concerns continue to mount over the increasing hyperactivity disorders diagnosed in children. One theory considers the host of food additives and their potential to make children hyper. Think about foods marketed towards children -- most of them are at least artificially colorful if not sparkly. Almost all processed foods geared toward children will contain food additives. The ones most accountable for hyperactivity are sodium benzoate, FD & C Red and FD & C Yellow

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/396626-the-disadvantages-of-food-additives/#ixzz2MfpuKAsh

Reflection of the Project

Everyone's gotta learn something from these posts right? As for ME, I do learn something useful in all aspects :)

Firstly :

- Well, obviously, everything in this world has its good and bad things. But it is important for us to know about the FACTS as well! Besides that, I gain more understanding about, yeah, like what I wrote up there, THE BAD, THE GOOD AND THE FACTS.

- Okay, this case, is like the most common thing would happen during the posting process. We were all like happily typing and SUDDENLY everyone goes, "TEACHER!!! WE CANNOT PUBLISH THE POST! HELP!" . Good thing about it? I learn how to be calm and settle things in a good way. Hey, it paid off okay?
scared of eating food? Drink Mineral water instead ! :P

Well, that's all from me folks! Have fun finding about the good and bad of food additives so that we can choose food wisely before we end up, well, sick or not. Till then!

Food Additives to Avoid

Food additives are everywhere, so the title above does not really seem rational. To steer clear of something that is unavoidable? Maybe the reason behind such drastic measure may actually encourage you to stay away from them. 


Aspartme or better known as Nutrasweet and Equal sweeteners 

These artificial sweeteners are neurotoxin and carcinogenic. Among the ailments caused by these sweeteners are brain tumours, lymphoma, diabetes, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's,  depression, anxiety attacks and seizures. The list goes on and on. 

Aspartme is commonly found in diet coke and various other sugar-free drinks. Doesn't sound so healthy anymore does it ?


HFCS is a highly-refined artificial sweetener. It's currently the number one source of calories in America. And it's only a matter of time before the same thing happens here in Malaysia. Due to the fact that HFCS makes you gain weight rapidly, it is the leading cause of diabetes.

One of the common sources of HFCS is guess what, Cereal. Yup, those crunchy flakes that you eat on a daily basis. 


This is a very common food additive that people constantly tell you to avoid. Well, I'm telling you this again. Avoid MSG. MSG is known as excitotoxin, that overexcites cells to the point of damage and even death. Regular consumption of MSG causes depression, disorientation, eye damage, headaches and obesity. 
Are you scared yet?

Here's a type of snack everyone enjoys eating that may very well be the cause of our deaths (if we eat it too much)


What exactly are trans fats? They’re commonly used to enhance and extend the shelf life of food products. Mostly they’re found in deep-fried fast food. Too much trans fat increases the risk of heart attacks, heart disease and stroke.

Why ?

Why are Additives Used in Foods?

Additives perform a variety of useful functions in foods that are often taken for granted. Since most people no longer live on farms, additives help keep food wholesome and appealing while en route to markets sometimes thousands of miles away from where it is grown or manufactured. Additives also improve the nutritional value of certain foods and can make them more appealing by improving their taste, texture, consistency or color.
Some additives could be eliminated if we were willing to grow our own food, harvest and grind it, spend many hours cooking and canning, or accept increased risks of food spoilage. But most people today have come to rely on the many technological, aesthetic and convenience benefits that additives provide in food.
Additives are used in foods for five main reasons:
bulletTo Maintain product consistency. Emulsifiers give products a consistent texture and prevent them from separating. Stabilizers and thickeners give smooth uniform texture. Anti-caking agents help substances such as salt to flow freely.
bulletTo improve or maintain nutritional value. Vitamins and minerals are added to many common foods such as milk, flour, cereal and margarine to make up for those likely to be lacking in a person's diet or lost in processing. Such fortification and enrichment has helped reduce malnutrition among the U.S. population. All products containing added nutrients must be appropriately labeled.
bulletTo maintain palatability and wholesomeness. Preservatives retard product spoilage caused by mold, air, bacteria, fungi or yeast. Bacterial contamination can cause foodborne illness, including life-threatening botulism. Antioxidants are preservatives that prevent fats and oils in baked goods and other foods from becoming rancid or developing an off-flavor. They also prevent cut fresh fruits such as apples from turning brown when exposed to air.
bulletTo provide leavening or control acidity/alkalinity. Leavening agents that release acids when heated can react with baking soda to help cakes, biscuits and other baked goods to rise during baking. Other additives help modify the acidity and alkalinity of foods for proper flavor, taste and color.
bulletTo enhance flavor or impart desired color. Many spices and natural and synthetic flavors enhance the taste of foods. Colors, likewise, enhance the appearance of certain foods to meet consumer expectations. Examples of substances that perform each of these functions are provided in the chart "Common Uses of Additives."
Many substances added to food may seem foreign when listed on the ingredient label, but are actually quite familiar. For example, ascorbic acid is another name for Vitamin C; alphatocopherol is another name for Vitamin E; and beta-carotene is a source of Vitamin A. Although there are no easy synonyms for all additives, it is helpful to remember that all food is made up of chemicals. Carbon, hydrogen and other chemical elements provide the basic building blocks for everything in life.

Source : http://www.ehso.com/ehshome/FoodAdd/foodadditiveadv.htm

Effects of sugar

The government always campaign that 'Lessen your sugar in food !!'

But Why ?
Why they did so ?

Here some entertainments made by our class !!

Why sugar needed to be avoided ? here some reasons that I got from Nancy Appleton, PhD, clinical nutritionist, has compiled a list of 146 reasons on 'how sugar is ruining your health' in her book Lick the Sugar Habit. Here are some of them:

* Sugar can decrease growth hormone (the key to staying youthful and lean)

* Sugar feeds cancer

* Sugar increases cholesterol

* Sugar can weaken eyesight

* Sugar can cause drowsiness and decreased activity in children

* Sugar can interfere with the absorption of protein

* Sugar causes food allergies

* Sugar contributes to diabetes

* Sugar can contribute to eczema in children

* Sugar can cause cardiovascular disease

* Sugar can impair the structure of DNA

* Sugar can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and crankiness in children

* Sugar contributes to the reduction in defense against bacterial infection (infectious diseases)

* Sugar greatly assists the uncontrolled growth of Candida Albicans (yeast infections)

* Sugar contributes to osteoporosis

Source from : http://www.naturalnews.com/022692_sugar_xylitol_stevia.html#ixzz2MeOT9JF8

Do you check your food?



-Studies have shown that regular soft drink users have a lower intake of calcium, magnesium, ascorbic acid, riboflavin, and vitamin A.
-The drink has also aroused criticism for its use of caffeine, which can cause physical dependence.
-The presence of phosphoric acid cause a long-term regular cola intake and osteoporosis in older women -Coca-Cola is no more harmful than comparable soft drinks or acidic fruit juices. Frequent exposure of teeth to acidic drinks increases the risk of tooth damage through dental erosion.This form of tooth decay is unrelated to dental caries.-Coke has been made with high fructose corn syrup instead of sucrose to reduce costs. One of the reasons this has come under criticism is because the corn used to produce corn syrup often comes from genetically altered plants. Some nutritionists also caution against consumption of high fructose corn syrup because of possible links to obesity and diabetes.

# Mcdonalds burger buns

-A synthetic yellow-orange dough conditioner 
 -This chemical is used most frequently in the production of industrial foam plastic, and although the FDA has approved its use for food in the States, the United Kingdom has labeled it a potential cause of asthma. 

#Potato chips

-It contain Olestra which is a big molecule.Human digestive enzymes can't break down the big molecules
- Olestra contributes 0 calories to your diet. 

-Can Lead to diarrhea and also appears to interfere with the body's ability to absorb some crucial nutrients like beta-carotene and lycopene.

So, from now on, check your food first.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Food Additives :)

Type Of food Additives

OK, let's continue our journey to EXOPLORE the world of FOOOOODDDD!!!
 I mean food additive! :) yay, smile always..

What is actually food additives??

haaaa.. that it is..
or in simple meaning

Food additives are substances that become part of a food product when added (intentionally or unintentionally) during the processing or production of that food. They include using salt to preserve meats, adding herbs or spices to foods, or pickling foods in vinegar solutions. However, concerns about food additives most often relate to artificial ingredients added to foods.

To have more info click here: http://www.umm.edu/ency/article/002435.htm#ixzz2MeIFY1Ep